The Tenafly Rotary was pleased to host the New Tenafly Teachers and Staff at the annual luncheon in their honor at the Clinton Inn.

High School
Dr Benjamin Leibowitz Jessica Alstete Daniel Nyfenger Chris Icochea David Gagliardotto Adam Schreiber Mallory Cohen Amelia Bowers
Middle School
John Fabbo, Principal Qinying Coleman Da Som (Esther) Lee Melanie Samayo Susan Yi Jessica Alstete
Mackay Elementary School
Brenda Yoo, Principal Linda Lee Joyce Raymond Alyson DeRiso
Maugham Elementary School
Dr Jennifer Ferrara, Principal Jillian Lyons Lauren Barlotta Melissa Lawson Anny Tellez
Smith Elementary
Brian Ross, Principal Cristina Pallone
Stillman School
Adam Lubatkin Jackie Warner