All posts by TenaflyRotaryAdmin

2019 Tenafly Rotary New Tenafly Teachers’ Luncheon

The Tenafly Rotary was pleased to host the New Tenafly Teachers and Staff at the annual luncheon in their honor at the Clinton Inn.


Frank Primiani
Frank Primiani

High School

Middle School

Mackay Elementary School

Maugham Elementary School

Smith Elementary

Stillman School

Tenafly Rotary 2018 New Teachers’ Luncheon

The Tenafly Rotary was very proud to honor the new Superintendent Shauna DeMarco and 22 new teachers in the Tenafly School System this year at our annual Teachers’ Luncheon. Enjoy the pictures from the event!


Jerry Kotch, President Tenafly Rotary -Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Jerry Kotch, President Tenafly Rotary


Rotarian Mayor Peter Rustin giving Invocation -Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Rotarian Mayor Peter Rustin giving Invocation


Gus Allen speaking on What IS Rotary -Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Gus Allen speaking on What IS Rotary


New Superintendent Shauna DeMarco-Tenafly Rotary New Teachers Teachers Luncheon
New Superintendent Shauna DeMarco

Tenafly High School New Teachers

Jim Morrison THS Principal Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Jim Morrison THS Principal


Troy Childress, Counselor Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Troy Childress, THS Counselor


Marc Gold THS Vice PrincipalJim Morrison THS Principal Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Marc Gold,  THS VP


Eileen Kinneary, Art -Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Eileen Kinneary, THS Art


Elliot Hong, THS Math at Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Elliot Hong, THS Math


Keith Malinak, THS Biology Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Keith Malinak, THS Biology


Ana Landron, THS & TMS Spanish - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Ana Landron, THS & TMS Spanish

Tenafly Middle School New Teachers

John Fabbo, TMS Principal - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon John Fabbo
John Fabbo, TMS Principal


Brooke Levine, TMS English - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Brooke Levine, TMS English


Jessica Franko, TMS STEM - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Jessica Franko, TMS STEM


Anthony Vagnone, TMS Science - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Anthony Vagnone, TMS Science


B Melody Go, TMS Science - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
B Melody Go, TMS Science


Michael Carrasquilla, TMS Health & Phys Ed - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Michael Carrasquilla, TMS Health & Phys Ed


Zsuzsannia Cole, TMS Math - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Zsuzsannia Cole, TMS Math

Mackay Elementary School New Staff

Brenda Yoo, Mackay Principal - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Brenda Yoo, Mackay Principal


Cara Della Monica, Special Ed - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Cara Della Monica, Special Ed


Sharlene Goulbourne, Second Grade - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Sharlene Goulbourne, Second Grade


Ellen Brennan, Resource Rm - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Ellen Brennan, Resource Rm


Sarah Palo, Kindergarten - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Sarah Palo, Kindergarten

Maugham Elementary School New Staff

Jennifer Ferrara, Maugham Principal - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Jennifer Ferrara, Maugham Principal


Kristan Garrett, Fourth Grade - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Kristan Garrett, Fourth Grade


Christina Taha, First Grade - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Christina Taha, First Grade

Smith Elementary School New Staff

Brian Ross, Smith Principal - Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Brian Ross, Smith Principal


Melissa Ceppaglia, Fifth Grade - Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Melissa Ceppaglia, Fifth Grade


Sara Meiguel, Spanish - Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Sara Meiguel, Spanish

Stillman Elementary School New Staff

Gayle Lander, Stillman Principal - Tenafly Rotary Teachers
Gayle Lander, Stillman Principal


Carlee Pagano, Third Grade - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Carlee Pagano, Third Grade


Dana Rizzo, Music - Tenafly Rotary Teachers Luncheon
Dana Rizzo, Music


Northern Valley Greenway

The Tenafly Rotary Club is proud to be the founder of the Northern Valley Greenway Project, a plan to convert the unused CSX railroad line from Tenafly north to Northvale by rail banking the track and building over 7 miles of park providing pedestrian, bike and possibly jogging paths.
Conceptual NV GreenwayQuickly joined by the Rotary Clubs of Northern Valley and Cresskill/Demarest, the clubs worked for 2 years to determine the line couldn’t be used for light rail for at least 20 years (environmental impact requirements) and that CSX was willing to railbank (sell with restrictions) the portion that would not be used by the planned light rail to Englewood.
The Rotary Clubs formed a citizen’s group and rallied the towns along the line – Cresskill, Closter, Demarest, Northvale, Norwood, and Tenafly to appoint members to a committee to investigate the feasibility of the Greenway.
As part of the service project, the Rotary Club of Tenafly implemented a long-planned formation of a 501 c(3) – the Tenafly Rotary Club Charitable Organization (unofficially TRCCO) to assist with raising funds to implement the dream of the Greenway.
We are currently working on raising $50,000 to:

  • hire a consultant to advise us on hearing CSX’s initial request for the terms of rail banking,
  • write grant proposals for environmental studies, site survey, land purchase and park construction
  • outreach activities to solicit support and design input.
  • miscellaneous preliminary analyses to determine the scope of required work.

Please consider donating to get this project moving faster. We greatly appreciate it. Your donation will be anonymous unless you chose to fill out the second screen.

For more information please visit NorthernValleyGreenway.orgNorthern Valley Greenway Logo

2016 Tenafly BOE Candidate’s Night Debate

THANK YOU the debate was a great success – you can see it on Ch 77 for yourself. It will be shown 1/day until the election, Nov 8.
The Tenafly Rotary Club is proud to sponsor this year’s BOE Candidate’s Debate at the Tenafly High School Media Center Monday October 24, 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm. If you can’t make it, you can watch on Channel 77 and phone your questions in.

All candidates are planning to participate. The following are running for three (3) 3-year terms:







The following are running for one (1) 2-year term:




Help Jerry’s #1 Grandson & Fight LGL Leukemia Golf Tournament

Tenafly Rotary Club’s President Gerry Kotch received the news four years ago that his oldest grandson (now 35) was stricken with LG Leukemia, a rare bone-marrow cancer. To help he called upon his Rotary Club to raise funds for the research program at the University of Virginia.  This year’s golf tournament & Dinner will be at Valley Brook Golf Course on Wednesday Sept 21. Join us for golf or just dinner. (Half of the net proceeds will be donated to the Office of Concern food pantry in Englewood.)

If you can’t make it please send donations (marked for LGL Leukemia Research) to :

Rotary Club of Tenafly
PO Box 50
Tenafly, NJ 07670

Click here for application & sponsorship opportunities. We really appreciate your help!
Thank you to the following sponsors for their support!

Hole 1 Sponsored by Jim Moscone Plumbing 50 W Railroad Ave, Tenafly 201.569.3823
Hole 2 Sponsored by Highwood Roofing Co 56 S Front St, Bergenfield, NJ 07621 201. 244.0125
Hole 3 Sponsored by Griffin Restaurant Cresskill, NJ
Hole 5 Burton & Lisa Wistotsky – Englewood Rotary Club
Hole 8 The Hungry Peddler (201) 894-0718 · 470 Knickerbocker Rd Cresskill, NJ 07626
Hole 10 Law Firm of Dipisa & Lago, LLC Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Hole 13 Sponsored by Ed Dolinger – acclaimed author of Stolen.
Hole 16 Martin Huguley – Coldwell Banker – Tenafly
Hole 18 In Memory of Bob Watt – Tenafly Rotary Club
Hole-In-One Sponsor – Honda of Tenafly

Rotary on Hercules’ Radio Show

It was a pleasure being on Hercules’ show talking about our Charity Golf Tournament to support research for LGL Leukemia Sept 21. You can sign up for the golf tournament & dinner or just dinner at

I was also  on with Steve from the Rotary Club of Parkridge who was telling us about their 5K Run & Walk. You can sign up at

It was fun.

2016 Tenafly Rotary New Teachers Luncheon

Tenafly Rotary New Teacher Luncheon Participants
Tenafly Rotary New Teacher Luncheon Participants

The Tenafly Rotary Club was happy to host our annual Luncheon at the Clinton Inn for the new teachers and staff at Tenafly this year (and a few that were hired after the luncheon last year.) Introductory remarks from Rotary President Gerry Kotch and Invocation from Rotarian and Mayor Peter Rustin. (Individual pictures below) Continue reading 2016 Tenafly Rotary New Teachers Luncheon

Rails to Trails

The Tenafly Rotary is investigating the possibility of partnering with Rotary Clubs north of Tenafly to help replace the unused track from Tenafly to the State line.  Plans and permits for light rail end in Englewood. This means for the next couple of decades the rail line going through Tenafly will be unused. Until CSX has a permited use for the line the possibility exists to turn the tracks into a walkway/bike path. Rails to Trails has helped with this in numerous communities. The Tenafly Rotary Club met with Shepard Grinker of the Tenafly Bicycle Workshop to explore the benefits of the program.

Rotary Club Of Tenafly discussing Rails To Trails
Rotary Club Of Tenafly discussing Rails To Trails

Meeting with the Cresskill/Demarest Roatary on Rails To Trails

Meeting with the Cresskill/Demarest Roatary on Rails To Trails

Don Zeiler’s Invocations

We are transcribing Don Zeiler’s invocations that he wrote for the Tenafly Rotary over many years. Please follow the latest we’ve transcribed under invocations. We hope to add a few each week. (Dates of entry are manipulated to keep invocations in alphabetical order.)